Root Canal Treatment – Topsham, ME
A Chance to Save Infected Teeth
The innermost layer of the tooth is known as the pulp, and it contains a number of nerves and blood vessels. Consequently, if the pulp becomes infected for any reason, you may experience significant oral pain. If you want to put a stop to your discomfort and avoid further oral health issues, your best option may be to have a root canal treatment performed as soon as possible. Call our team at Androscoggin Dental Care today for more information about root canal treatment in Topsham and how it might help you avoid needing to have a tooth removed.
Why Choose Androscoggin Dental Care for Root Canal Treatment?
- We Care About Keeping Patients Comfortable
- Reliable, Long-Lasting Dental Restorations
- Relaxing Dental Sedation Options
What Happens During a Root Canal?

Our team will numb your mouth so that you don’t experience any discomfort during your root canal. Sedation dentistry may be recommended in some cases. Before the actual treatment begins, a dental dam will be placed. This is to help ensure that the tooth in question remains dry while root canal treatment is being performed.
The next step is to create an opening in the tooth. Then we can remove the source of your pain by taking out the pulp. The inside of the tooth will be cleaned very carefully. Once the harmful bacteria and infectious material have been removed, we can fill the tooth again with a biocompatible substance called gutta-percha.
The tooth will be resealed after your root canal treatment. However, the process won’t be entirely done by that point. Our team will need to take an impression of the tooth in question for the purpose of designing a dental crown. Said crown will eventually be attached to the tooth in order to keep it safe.